Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Two graduates of The University of Western Australia have taken up key Cabinet posts in the new Federal Government.
Mr Stephen Smith MP is Australia's new Minister for Defence and Senator Chris Evans is the Minister for Tertiary Education, Jobs, Skills and Workplace Relations.
Both Ministers studied at UWA in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Minister Smith is an Arts-Law Graduate and Senator Evans is an Arts Graduate.
UWA Vice-Chancellor Professor Alan Robson said the University had a strong track record of producing high-quality graduates who were well-equipped to move into positions of leadership.
"We congratulate the Ministers on their new appointments and we look forward to working with them," Professor Robson said.
Both held Ministerial positions in the previous Labor Government - Stephen Smith as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade and Chris Evans as Minister for Immigration and Citizenship.
They join other former distinguished UWA alumni who have served in Federal Parliament including Prime Minister Bob Hawke, former Deputy Prime Minister Kim Beazley, former WA Premier Carmen Lawrence and former Federal Attorney-General Daryl Williams.
Media references
Janine MacDonald (UWA Public Affairs) (+61 8) 6488 5563 / (+61 4) 32 637 716
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