Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Federal Government recognition of the value of international education was welcomed today by The University of Western Australia's Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Johnson.

Professor Johnson said the report of the International Education Advisory Council, released today, highlighted the importance of international education and proposed significant recommendations on key issues facing Australia's international education sector.

He said he was heartened by the level of political discussion around international education and said the Ministerial Coordinating Council on International Education (MCCIE) proposed by the report would be a constructive way forward.

Professor Johnson said he was pleased with the breadth of the report, which addressed the quality of the student experience, partnerships, data analysis and research, promotion and marketing, and the integrity of Australia's student visa program.

"International education is, and will continue to be, a major part of the Australian economy and is fundamental to the development of skills and knowledge that will benefit Australia, and the rest of the world," Professor Johnson said.

"With numbers of international students predicted to rise by about 30 per cent in Australia by 2020, international education affects many sectors and a comprehensive government response will be essential to its future."


The Government established the International Education Advisory Council, chaired by UWA Chancellor Dr Michael Chaney, to provide advice on the challenges and opportunities facing international education.  In particular, the committee was asked to contribute to the development of a five-year national strategy to support the sustainability and quality of international education and provide advice on trends in international education and on current policies affecting the sector.

The council included international education experts and representatives of the Australian university sector, government, science bodies, tourism, business and industry.

Media references

Michael Sinclair-Jones (UWA Public Affairs)  (+61 8)  6488 3229  /  (+61 4) 00 700 783


Events — Media Statements — University News