Tuesday, 15 March 2016
With water being an integral part of the Australian way of life and a key selling point for international students to study in Australia, it’s no surprise the latest course added to UWA Sport’s Recreate® program, Swimming and Water Safety has been popular.
This initiative which has been a collaboration between UWA Sport, Student Life and School of Sport Science and subsidised by the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) has meant many international students who aren’t familiar with or confident around water can access affordable learn to swim lessons on campus. Being confident around water will mean these students can take full advantage of what Perth can uniquely offer being located on the spectacular Swan River and surrounded by its world famous beaches.
“I have only been in Australia for 3 weeks and haven’t done any swimming training before so was good to find very affordable lessons on campus,” said Singaporean student Myrian Rodrigues.
Other students in the course have said they hope to gain confidence around water and learn the correct techniques.
“Every participant is at a different level but the instructor made the effort to focus on what everyone wanted to achieve and improve on”, Myrian went on to say.
It is hoped that the students who participate and complete this 5 week course will then be able to take part in paddling, paddling and surfing opportunities and feel safe when at the beach with friends and that the program will continue on for future programs.
Media references
Nicole West , UWA Sport, Marketing and Communications Officer, (08) 6488 4309.
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