Friday, 1 December 2017
The UWA Medical and Dental Library redevelopment was officially reopened by WA Health Minister, the Hon. Roger Cook MLA on Wednesday 29 November.
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dawn Freshwater also renamed the library as the J. Robin Warren Library in honour of Emeritus Professor J. Robin Warren, AC, Nobel Laureate who in 2005, along with Professor Barry Marshall, won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2005 for their discovery that stomach ulcers were caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori .
The Library, located on the UWA Health Campus recently completed a $7 million refurbishment which has totally transformed the traditional library into an innovative state-of-the-art technology-rich space to enhance the student experience. The modern study space includes spaces for group learning and study booths, a Learning Suite, training room, Alumni Lounge and kitchen facilities.
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Professor Wendy Erber said it was fitting that the new library should be named after Professor Warren.
“Professor Warren’s discovery, together with Professor Marshall, changed the practice of medicine. He is an inspiration to medical students at UWA and around the world,” Professor Erber said.
“Along with Professor Barry Marshall, he defied his detractors, dedicating himself to prove a theory that resulted in greater health outcomes for millions of people.
“We know that students at UWA will continue to be inspired, working and studying in an educational facility named in his honour.”
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Emily Stone (Communications Officer Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences) (+61 8) 6457 7365
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