Monday, 8 June 2009

The University of Western Australia will host up to 1,200 university students from nine countries in December as part of the 2009 Indian Rim Asian University Games.

UWA Vice-Chancellor Professor Alan Robson and WA Sport and Recreation Minister Terry Waldron launched the 2009 Games on Thursday, 4 June at the UWA Water Sports Complex.

Professor Robson said the Games were open to university teams from the Indian Ocean rim and Asian regions and aimed to provide students with the opportunity to experience international competition while interacting in a positive way with a variety of cultures and building lifelong friendships.

"We are delighted to be hosting this year's Games, which will be held from December 7 to 11, and expect they will attract participants from nine countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, China, India and South Africa," he said.

The Games program will feature 10 sports, including cricket, soccer, tennis, hockey, water polo and rugby 7.

Sailing was also added to the program in April this year as a demonstration event between UWA and Singapore Management University.

"Involvement with the Indian Rim Asian University Games provides us with yet another opportunity to maintain and further develop our international relationships for the benefit of the entire community and State," Professor Robson said.

Through a partnership with the State Government's Eventscorp and the Australian University Games, The University of Western Australia will host the next four Indian Rim Asian University Games, in 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015.  UWA will also host the Australian University Games in 2010 and 2016.

Media references

For further information on the event please contact Ian Fitzpatrick (Indian Rim Asian University Games)  (+61 8) 9284 9183  /  (+61 4) 39 910 568


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