Thursday, 11 November 2010
The University of Western Australia was a founding partner in the WA Social Worker of the Year Awards 2010. The event was an inspiring and moving celebration of the contribution social workers make to our community; whether it be through their work with individuals, families, communities or systemically in policy, education and organisations.
The winners were:
- Richmond Fellowship WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Worker Award - Glenda Kickett (Djooraminda, UWA Alumni and current PhD student)
- KPMG Australia Agent of Change Award - Julie McKenzie (Department for Child Protection, UWA Alumni)
- Department for Child Protection Head, Heart and Hands Award - Joanna Delaney (Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, UWA Alumni)
- GESB Rising Star Award - Sophie Heal (Wanslea, UWA Alumni)
- ECU Rural and Remote Practitioner Award - Emma White (Department for Child Protection).
The 2010 WA Social Worker of the Year was Glenda Kickett in recognition for her work in improving the journey and outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in care.
- Groups
- Graduate School of Education