Thursday, 1 December 2011
"I'd walk across hot coals for Alan," a senior researcher said at a public function earlier this year.
His words would resonate for the vast majority of University staff who will miss Professor Alan Robson's presence in the Vice-Chancellery when he retires at the end of the year.
The first UWA graduate to become Vice-Chancellor, Professor Robson has spent almost two decades in the Vice-Chancellery, first as Deputy Vice-Chancellor, then in the top job as Vice-Chancellor.
His sharp mind, wide-ranging interests, infallible memory (especially for statistics and staff members' names), enormous capacity for work and easy-going manner have ensured him an enduring place in the history of the University and endeared him to thousands of staff and students.
Over the past 20 years, he has mentored about 50 staff, including many senior women, through the Leadership Development for Women (LDW) program.
Beyond the University environment, Professor Robson's wisdom is sought by governments, the private sector and institutes in diverse fields, from local government to mining.
One of his most recent appointments is as the founding chairman of the Australian Government's Higher Education Standards Panel, which will develop and monitor the standards framework implemented by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency. He has also just been appointed to the academic board of the Adelaide campus of University College London.
And the most recent of his mounting accolades is that of ‘Leading CEO for the Advancement of Women', presented earlier this month by the Australian Government's Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency. The award follows the agency's recognition of UWA for the ninth consecutive year as a national Employer of Choice for Women.
Professor Robson will return to the soil science discipline in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences where he will resume some research.
Although it might be hard to believe, Professor Robson says he will not be wearing a suit and tie!
Published in UWA News , 28 November 2011
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