Friday, 22 September 2017

A number of swimmers from UWA-West Coast will represent Western Australia over the weekend at the 2017 State Teams Championships.

Held at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra, the event looks to the next generation of Australian swimmers, with the age groups for males of 14/15 years and 16/17 years, and age groups for females of 13/14 and 15/16.

As state champions, UWA-West Coast led the way for state team selection, with eleven representatives.

Amongst the WA team is 14 year old Joshua Edwards-Smith from UWA-West Coast. Joshua was a great competitor in the 100 and 200 metre backstroke in the WA state competition, and goes in to the nationals with the top seed times in both events.

Joshua’s 200m time smashed WA state records and is almost seven seconds faster than the next seeded swimmer.

In the women’s 100m freestyle, Crystal Edwards sits just milliseconds away from the top seed time, whilst Hugh Moran sits three milliseconds away from the top seed in the men’s 400m event.

WA will also go into two of the relay events at the top seed time, demonstrating the strength and quality of the overall squad.

Traveling with the WA team is UWA School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health Director of Swimming Michael Shaw , who joins UWA-West Coast’s Rob Palfrey as coaches for the squad under head coach Will Scott from WAIS.

UWA Sport wishes all WA competitors the best of luck heading in to the Championships over the weekend.

Media references

Louis Humberstone

Graduate Officer, UWA Sport Marketing, Communication, and Events

[email protected]

6488 3768


UWA Sport