Wednesday, 19 December 2018
UWA students are one step closer to entering the EZONE UWA Student Hub, with the North side of the building nearly reaching completion.
With the support of BHP Iron Ore and Woodside Energy, EZONE UWA Student Hub will transform the way UWA educates students, undertakes research and engages with industry, alumni and the community. The facilities will be utilised by students studying engineering, physics, maths and computing.
“EZONE UWA will provide an unparalleled student experience, building an innovative and collaborative culture based on a science, technology, engineering and mathematics capability like no other in the country,” said Professor John Dell, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences.
The building will include three science laboratories, 11 teaching rooms, a café, and office space for 150 higher degree students.
“The building will capitalise on a passive solar design. It includes a number of Solar PV applications, with glass panels incorporated into the structure to support a wind turbine and battery storage for electric car charging,” says Merv Shortt, UWA Major Projects Manager.
“The innovative design also includes a number of outdoor shaded study spaces with high-speed wi-fi, real-time building monitoring and access to the digital twin and living laboratory.”
The North side of the EZONE UWA Student Hub is currently getting fitted-out and is due to open to students in Semester One, 2019.
The ground floor will include the thermodynamics lab, flexible studio spaces, student services administration and café. On the upper floors, there will be open learning studios, workspace meeting rooms, an industry incubator and both social and silent work break-out spaces which will eventually link to the South side,” Mr Shortt said.
The South side of the building is progressing well with the ground and first two upper suspended concrete slabs being laid. It is on track to open to students in Semester One, 2020.
EZONE UWA Student Hub would not be possible without the generous support from BHP Iron Ore and Woodside Energy .
To keep up to date with the project visit ezone.uwa.edu.au .
Media references
Hannah Carlisle (UWA Faculty of Engineering Mathematical Sciences) (+61 8) 6488 5079
- Groups
- Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences